You can call us between the hours of 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM to get a free quote for whatever it is you need cleaned!

  • Opening hrs
    Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm
    Sat: 8am - 5pm | Sun: Closed
  • Address
    10510 San Francisco Rd NE
    Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122

Area Rugs | Bravo Carpet Cleaning ABQ


Area rugs…are another story.

Do you have a beautiful oriental rug in the living room that gets dirty around the edges? Or place mats at the doors that look dingy?

Let our technicians have a look at it and clean it for you. Whether they be wool, oriental, or regular rugs, we clean just about all kinds every day. Even if you think, “Oh, but another carpet cleaner shrunk the last rug I had,” that’s not a problem with us. Especially for delicate rugs, we only use detergents specially designed for cleaning such rugs–helping to avoid damage costs and frustrations on either end. And we make sure to use the appropriate heat and suction for delicate rugs to prevent any shrinking or rippling effects.

Upon the customer’s request, we also treat odors and stains, clean front and back, and make sure that every inch (including the fringes) is sparkling clean.

Vacuuming is a very important aspect for maintaining the rug’s overall look. We recommend that our customers make a habit of vacuuming their rug(s) everyday or as often as possible, to conserve the rug’s health and keep allergies down. Especially for those with allergies, the area rugs act as a filter for pollens. So it’s best to vacuum them often to reduce in-home pollens.

Teaser Clip Of How We Clean

See the beautiful color rise from the grime!